【同义词辨析】 2019-07-06 处处寡头多数虚荣乏味(5小组一起记)
(1) 处处
omnipresent: in its strict sense is a divine attribute equivalent to immanent, but more commonly it implies presence or prevalence: the residents of that neighborhood have an ~ sense of fear. (immanent无处不在的内在固有自然的implies what is present as a natural part of something and present everywhere,如God is immanent in the world上帝无所不在,如this is the most perfect immanent action possible to nature这是自然所能采取的最完美最内在的行动) (词根OMNI表示all全部,如omnipotent万能omniscient无所不知omnivore杂食动物omnidirectional全向天线omnibus综合的,最早的汽车只能乘坐几个人,后来的大车可以搭载几乎"所有人",称作omnibus,但不知为何1900年以后名字缩短成了bus) (prevalence普遍流行很多implies frequency,如dairy farms were once prevalent in the area该地曾有很多奶牛场,如a prevalent view/condition/disease普遍的观点/情况/流行疾病)
ubiquitous: implies a quality being so active or so numerous as to seem to be everywhere: ~ tourists toting their omnipresent cameras.
omnipresent无所不在: 严格说是神的属性,但也常表示普遍存在流行,ubiquitous到处都是: 表示数量多且活跃,好像到处都是
记忆方法: 1)处处的意思是到处都是mean present or existent everywhere.
(2) 多数
majority: implies that the winning candidate or opinion has received more votes than the other candidates or opinions combined; that is, the winning vote is in excess of half the votes: elected to the senate by a very slim ~.
plurality: merely implies that the winner has more votes than any other candidate or opinion, whether the majority of the total or not: a ~ of the voters defeated the referendum.
majority绝对多数: 表示比其余总和还要多,即超过了总票数的一半,plurality多数: 仅表示比其它任何都要多,但不一定是绝对多数
记忆方法: 1)多数的意思是数量比其它多,多指选举mean a number or quantity or part larger than some other expressed or implicit, particularly in reference to an election.
(3) 乏味
prosaic: implies an opposition to poetic and usually suggests a commonplace unexciting quality and the absence of everything that would stimulate feelings or awaken great interest: a downtown with a certain mundane,~ air.
prosy: stresses dullness or tediousness and when applied to persons usually implies a tendency to talk or write at length in an uninviting manner: wrote them a dull ~ letter. (dull迟钝的基本意思是slow慢,如a dull knife钝刀是a quick(sharp) knife快刀的反义词,dull可以指思维不敏锐,如all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy光工作不玩耍聪明孩子也变傻,还表示无趣沉闷没意思,如a dull person一个无趣的人,如life in a small town could be deadly dull小城镇生活可能非常没意思) tedious强调因为重复而厌烦repetition,boring强调因为缺乏刺激而厌烦lack of stimulation,因此a tedious/boring job都表示无聊的工作,基本意思相同,但暗示的原因稍有不同
matter-of-fact: implies a disinterest in the imaginative, speculative, visionary, romantic, or ideal; it may connote down-to-earth practicality and accuracy in detail: a ~ account of their adventure; but often it suggests preoccupation with the obvious and a neglect of more subtle values: took a very ~ attitude toward her illness. (down-to-earth切合实际脚踏实地扎扎实实,形容人关注实事实物而非抽象理论applies to a person who concern oneself with practical things and actions, rather than with abstract theories,如 a down-to-earth introduction to physics对物理学的注重实际的介绍,I like your down-to-earth and hardworking spirit我喜欢你们脚踏实地埋头苦干的劲头)
prosaic乏味: 是诗意poetic的反义词,表示平常无趣,prosy乏味: 强调沉闷重复,语言文字冗长不吸引人,matter-of-fact务实或就事论事: 表示切合实际,而不是想象猜测设想理想,或表示只关注表面而忽略深层次关系
记忆方法: 1)乏味的意思是平凡实际缺乏想象力mean having a plain, practical, unimaginative quality or character. plain平凡表示不装饰不浮夸,如平凡的世界译名是ordinary world,但觉得用plain更好,2019-07-15中会介绍这个词,ordinary是符合常规常识所以平常,如ordinary day/man平常的一天/平常的人,感觉路遥应该不是强调符合常规常识,而是强调不加粉饰无以浮夸
(4) 虚荣
pride: may imply either justified OR unjustified self-esteem, and it may refer to real OR imagined merit or superiority or to feelings of proper respect for oneself and one's standards OR to blatant and arrogant conceit: took ~ in her marks. (conceit自负是指过度骄傲too much pride,如he is conceited and ill-mannered他自负又无礼)
vanity: implies an excessive desire to win notice, approval, or prasie and connotes self-centeredness and may suggest concentration on trivia: a woman of enormous ~. trivia琐事,来自tri三和via表示way,原意在路口谈论的事 注意不是vainity是vanity
vainglory: suggests excessive boastful pride often manifested in an arrogant display of one's vaunted qualities: resorted to bragging and ~ to get his own way. vaunt和boast是同义词,但更强调炫耀铺张,brag则更进一步
pride骄傲: 泛指自我尊重,无论是否合理实际恰当,vainity虚荣: 过度希望赢得注意认可赞扬,常指在小事上以自我为中心,vainglory虚荣: 特制炫耀自己的长处
记忆方法: 1)虚荣的意思是认为自己优秀卓越mean the quality or feeling of a person who is firmly convinced of his or her own excellence or superiority.
(5) 寡头
oligarchy: is applicable to any government or state in which power is openly or virtually in the hands of a favored few: :the many ~ies of ancient Greece. (virtually实际上的,表示只是表面不是事实implies only an apparent difference between seeming and reality,如the Prime Minister is virtually the ruler of his country首相是他们国家的实际统治者)
aristocracy: basically and historically implies the rule of the best citizens, but in its more usual use it implies power vested in a privileged class, often regarded as superior in birth and breeding: a revolution that toppled the ~. 贵族本意是最好的公民
plutocracy: implies concentration of power in the hands of the wealthy and is regularly derogatory: successful attempts to prevent the state from becoming a ~. 冥王星是Pluto,古人认为地下有宝藏,而冥王负责地下世界,所以代表财富
oligarchy寡头统治: 表示被少数人公开或实际上统治(的政府或国家),aristocracy贵族、权贵统治: 历史上表示贵族统治,但也指出身特权阶级的统治,plutocracy富豪统治: 表示财阀富豪当政
记忆方法: 1)寡头的意思是少数人统治或被少数人统治的国家mean government by, or a state governed by, the few. CRAT词根表示power权力,这些词表示权力在谁手里,如autocracy独裁专制指权力在个人手里,democracy民主指权力在人民手里,bureaucracy官僚统治指权力在坐在桌子旁边工作的人手里